met mlam smw..
hehe..udh lma nh g nulis sbuk bgt blkangan..hehe..
blkgan jga inx lgi having lots of problems..really confused..
too many stuffs circling around my world, makes me so difficult to breathe..
but i'm finally able to start writing on this space again..heheh..
it's good to be back..
inx lgi bx bgt mslah skrg..
one of it..involves choices and future positions..haha..sok keren bgt..
tpi yah, qra2 bgtulah..inx lgi bgung bgt...
inx udh mgambil stu kputusan, dan inx g mw mnysali ap yg udh inx ptuskan..
bwt inx, itu hrus dprjuangkan smpai selesai..selalu seperti itu..
but the problem is, i'm getting sucked in the middle..
mgkin bgni, sometimes talent does's not all about hard work..
i think that's what i fail to realize..
even how hard i tried..i couldn't get to the top..
jujur aja, inx mrsa minder blkgn ini..
sometimes i think that i'm not meant to be here, 0r there..
basically, almost everywhere..yah, it's really weird..and definitely not me..
but maybe this is one of the way to get through it..
i always try to be an optimistic, but life gets through it all the time..
kdang2 inx rsa pngalaman adalh yg trpnting..
tpi mgkin kta2 org bsa trasa lbh mnyakitkan dbnding smwx itu..
words could hurt so least i feel that myself..
i still couldn't get this over, but i'm still trying..and i always will..
i tried to tell myself that:
"No matter how hard it is to reach the top, you should never stop"
maybe it's kinda impossible to do..but i know that i CAN get through this..
my daddy JC WILL help me..i know it for sure..
mungkin ini yang namanya pencerahan(lighting)?
haha..a question i could never answer..
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