He is awesome!
Hey guysss..happy holiday!
inx udah di ozzi sekarangg, lebih tepatnya di melbourne hehehe..
it's chilly down here. when I arrived it was about 4 degrees, and I feel like I'm gonna be a human popsicle once I put my foot to the grounds of melbourne. thank God I didn't.
I'm just gonna continue what I've been posting before..buat yang baca post sebelumnya pasti uda tau balada ketidaklulusan SOCA yang mendayu-dayu itu..but well, senin kemaren inx ikut ujian HER SOCA (which is a remedial exam), dan LULUS MAMENNN!
oh yeahhhh ;;)
and this is just about what I've been talking about before..
I know there's something, and now I know it..
ya, sekarang inx udah lulus dan udah bebas, dan mungkin kalau inx lulus ujian pertama, things wouldn't be like this. inx belajar banyak, banyak BANGET dari kejadian ini.
I learned how to survive, how to hold on, and how to be thankful though it's just so frikin hard to say. But hey, life's a learning process. I'd have to fall down, maybe even be trampled or kicked over. Tapi emang prosesnya kayak gitu. kalo inx ga pernah jatuh, inx ga akan tau gimana rasanya ada di bawah. and I must admit, inx HARUS jatuh dulu sebelum bisa berhasil. I think it's kinda like a "must". karna kalo inx ngga pernah jatuh, inx akan berpikir kalo semua yang inx lakuin udah bener, and it's just okay. I won't have the chance to improve, and to go up to a higher level.
what I really hate? COMFORT ZONE.
being stuck in a comfort zone, and you feel happy about it. N-O, comfort zone locks you up, ngga akan ada effort, ngga akan ada will untuk mau maju dan berjuang. I need to step up to the next level, we all do.
my mom said that too before, you must fall before you can succeed. that's just how life goes. you get your experiences, you get what you need to survive in a higher level.
jadi inx belajar untuk melihat kejadian itu sebagai suatu batu loncatan. mungkin inx sempet jatuh, I feel horrible, that feeling I will never EVER forget. sakit hatinya itu bener2 dehhh, yaowohh..tapi semuanya baik-baik aja kok sekarang. I'm alright, I'm more than fine, and I have learned a lot.
He is awesome. gimana caranya dia ngasih semua ini ke inx, and though it's hard at first, I trust Him.
I trust Him, and I believe in Him.
ada temen2 inx yang belum beruntung di ujian HER, dan mereka harus ngulang lagi tahun depan. I know it's really hard for them, but all I can say is they still have to BELIEVE. don't lose hope, just trust :)
I don't know what is waiting for you guys up ahead, but I belive that each of us are destined for something great. He prepares it for us.
Be grateful for what you have. I know it's hard, it really is. I've been there, done that. But I survived, and I know you guys will too :)
keep the faith guyss,
happy holiday!
inx udah di ozzi sekarangg, lebih tepatnya di melbourne hehehe..
it's chilly down here. when I arrived it was about 4 degrees, and I feel like I'm gonna be a human popsicle once I put my foot to the grounds of melbourne. thank God I didn't.
I'm just gonna continue what I've been posting before..buat yang baca post sebelumnya pasti uda tau balada ketidaklulusan SOCA yang mendayu-dayu itu..but well, senin kemaren inx ikut ujian HER SOCA (which is a remedial exam), dan LULUS MAMENNN!
oh yeahhhh ;;)
and this is just about what I've been talking about before..
I know there's something, and now I know it..
ya, sekarang inx udah lulus dan udah bebas, dan mungkin kalau inx lulus ujian pertama, things wouldn't be like this. inx belajar banyak, banyak BANGET dari kejadian ini.
I learned how to survive, how to hold on, and how to be thankful though it's just so frikin hard to say. But hey, life's a learning process. I'd have to fall down, maybe even be trampled or kicked over. Tapi emang prosesnya kayak gitu. kalo inx ga pernah jatuh, inx ga akan tau gimana rasanya ada di bawah. and I must admit, inx HARUS jatuh dulu sebelum bisa berhasil. I think it's kinda like a "must". karna kalo inx ngga pernah jatuh, inx akan berpikir kalo semua yang inx lakuin udah bener, and it's just okay. I won't have the chance to improve, and to go up to a higher level.
what I really hate? COMFORT ZONE.
being stuck in a comfort zone, and you feel happy about it. N-O, comfort zone locks you up, ngga akan ada effort, ngga akan ada will untuk mau maju dan berjuang. I need to step up to the next level, we all do.
my mom said that too before, you must fall before you can succeed. that's just how life goes. you get your experiences, you get what you need to survive in a higher level.
jadi inx belajar untuk melihat kejadian itu sebagai suatu batu loncatan. mungkin inx sempet jatuh, I feel horrible, that feeling I will never EVER forget. sakit hatinya itu bener2 dehhh, yaowohh..tapi semuanya baik-baik aja kok sekarang. I'm alright, I'm more than fine, and I have learned a lot.
He is awesome. gimana caranya dia ngasih semua ini ke inx, and though it's hard at first, I trust Him.
I trust Him, and I believe in Him.
ada temen2 inx yang belum beruntung di ujian HER, dan mereka harus ngulang lagi tahun depan. I know it's really hard for them, but all I can say is they still have to BELIEVE. don't lose hope, just trust :)
I don't know what is waiting for you guys up ahead, but I belive that each of us are destined for something great. He prepares it for us.
Be grateful for what you have. I know it's hard, it really is. I've been there, done that. But I survived, and I know you guys will too :)
keep the faith guyss,
happy holiday!
aaaah.. apa si "happy holiday" ?!??
ReplyDeletetau" org blum libur coba..
hahaha torang kan sudyaaahhh...
ReplyDeletehappy holidayss bebekkk!