Update + Psychology Class
I can't believe I'm back here blogging. It's been such a hectic month.
I know I've procrastinated for life this time, but yeah I've got to find time to squeeze this in somehow. So here I am.
I've been wanting to share my travel diaries ever since holiday, and I promise it's coming up soon, but I'm not here now to write about that. So first, let me give an update of what's happening around me. I am now in my final semester, in my elective block. I've just finished my law subjects the past month, and here I am studying business, well entrepreneurship to be exact. It's not exactly the "usual" life of a medstudent, but I like it in a way that it allows me to see others things, and learn more about things I've never learned before. Another reason for me to love my faculty, I guess. Law is pretty interesting actually, but maybe not in Indo. Call me stereotypic, but that's just how I see it.
Anyway I'm done with that, and now dealing with business stuffs. There are some good and bad sides to this. I'll talk through the goodie goodie first. It's interesting to learn new stuffs, I'm a sucker for that. I guess I'm just into doing new things, and I get bored pretty easily so, this "new knowledge" is keeping me entertained. Aside from business stuffs, I also learned a lot about motivation stuffs, and knowing yourself to the core. But that's about all the good stuff I could think of. Bad points, hmm let's see. I've only had 8 days of this, but it feels like 8 years. Okay maybe that was too much, 8 months then. Classes start real early, like 7am, and ended mostly 3pm. And projects projects projects! It's piling up. It's wasting me out. My energy's drained. HELP.
Aside from that, I've been wondering if I'll ever be an entrepreneur. After a week of learning it, hmm, maybe not. It may be a first impression kinda thing, but I don't feel myself doing it in the future. Is it a matter of personality? Maybe. Or maybe I just don't have my passion in this field. I sorta liked product development and marketing, but not the overall process. So yeah maybe I entered this block only to find out that I won't be doing it in the future. But I guess that's just how life works. At least I found out that I don't wanna do this before I did and turned it into a huge disaster. But all is well, I learned lots about psychology, motivation, and knowing yourself. I learned that my passion is not in business.
Oh and there's another thing I've learned. I mentioned about the crazy hectic schedule and how it's wasting me out. Well out of that, I've been complaining for the past 7 days, 24/7, and unfortunately, I complained to the same person everyday. Ah she's been so patient, and I've been such a dragger. And at some point I realized that I've complained, way too much. It's like complaining week, if that makes sense. At some point, I'm pretty sure I'm still allowed to make strong standpoints of why I'm complaining, and I deserve some right to. But it's not doing any good to me, and if there's anything it ever did, it's bringing negative vibes and energy into me. I guess that's what's keeping me down, tired, and unmotivated most of the time. I've completely left out the "be grateful for everything" part of the day.
Sometimes it takes a very simple step to be happy, all day. It begins with a prayer in the morning, thanking God for the new day, for the fresh air you're breathing, and for a new day to live. It may not always be the day you're looking up to, but keep the good positive vibes in you and radiate it to others! They may need some happiness boost as well teehee :)
So yeah, I pretty much learned to be grateful and patient (in a long-month of studying and business projects). I've been doing yoga for some time now, and if there's one I've learned hard during my training, it's to endure in pain. Everytime I'm doing all the yoga asanas (poses) and it hurts so bad I can feel the pain deep down to my bones, I tell myself, "just breathe." And that really helped! So yeah, whether it's a bad day at uni or at work, or someone upsets you, or any crap is getting on your nerves, just keep calm and breathe. Then, you'll be able to think more clearly, and hopefully get through it :)
That's pretty much the end. Sorry for keeping it so long, it kinda feels like I'm taking over a psychology class or sth. I hope you guys weren't bored to death haha.
Have a great week ahead!
Radiate your positive vibes, good energy is contagious ;)
I'll post my travel diary soon chicas!
I can't believe I'm back here blogging. It's been such a hectic month.
I know I've procrastinated for life this time, but yeah I've got to find time to squeeze this in somehow. So here I am.
I've been wanting to share my travel diaries ever since holiday, and I promise it's coming up soon, but I'm not here now to write about that. So first, let me give an update of what's happening around me. I am now in my final semester, in my elective block. I've just finished my law subjects the past month, and here I am studying business, well entrepreneurship to be exact. It's not exactly the "usual" life of a medstudent, but I like it in a way that it allows me to see others things, and learn more about things I've never learned before. Another reason for me to love my faculty, I guess. Law is pretty interesting actually, but maybe not in Indo. Call me stereotypic, but that's just how I see it.
Anyway I'm done with that, and now dealing with business stuffs. There are some good and bad sides to this. I'll talk through the goodie goodie first. It's interesting to learn new stuffs, I'm a sucker for that. I guess I'm just into doing new things, and I get bored pretty easily so, this "new knowledge" is keeping me entertained. Aside from business stuffs, I also learned a lot about motivation stuffs, and knowing yourself to the core. But that's about all the good stuff I could think of. Bad points, hmm let's see. I've only had 8 days of this, but it feels like 8 years. Okay maybe that was too much, 8 months then. Classes start real early, like 7am, and ended mostly 3pm. And projects projects projects! It's piling up. It's wasting me out. My energy's drained. HELP.
Aside from that, I've been wondering if I'll ever be an entrepreneur. After a week of learning it, hmm, maybe not. It may be a first impression kinda thing, but I don't feel myself doing it in the future. Is it a matter of personality? Maybe. Or maybe I just don't have my passion in this field. I sorta liked product development and marketing, but not the overall process. So yeah maybe I entered this block only to find out that I won't be doing it in the future. But I guess that's just how life works. At least I found out that I don't wanna do this before I did and turned it into a huge disaster. But all is well, I learned lots about psychology, motivation, and knowing yourself. I learned that my passion is not in business.
Oh and there's another thing I've learned. I mentioned about the crazy hectic schedule and how it's wasting me out. Well out of that, I've been complaining for the past 7 days, 24/7, and unfortunately, I complained to the same person everyday. Ah she's been so patient, and I've been such a dragger. And at some point I realized that I've complained, way too much. It's like complaining week, if that makes sense. At some point, I'm pretty sure I'm still allowed to make strong standpoints of why I'm complaining, and I deserve some right to. But it's not doing any good to me, and if there's anything it ever did, it's bringing negative vibes and energy into me. I guess that's what's keeping me down, tired, and unmotivated most of the time. I've completely left out the "be grateful for everything" part of the day.
Sometimes it takes a very simple step to be happy, all day. It begins with a prayer in the morning, thanking God for the new day, for the fresh air you're breathing, and for a new day to live. It may not always be the day you're looking up to, but keep the good positive vibes in you and radiate it to others! They may need some happiness boost as well teehee :)
So yeah, I pretty much learned to be grateful and patient (in a long-month of studying and business projects). I've been doing yoga for some time now, and if there's one I've learned hard during my training, it's to endure in pain. Everytime I'm doing all the yoga asanas (poses) and it hurts so bad I can feel the pain deep down to my bones, I tell myself, "just breathe." And that really helped! So yeah, whether it's a bad day at uni or at work, or someone upsets you, or any crap is getting on your nerves, just keep calm and breathe. Then, you'll be able to think more clearly, and hopefully get through it :)
That's pretty much the end. Sorry for keeping it so long, it kinda feels like I'm taking over a psychology class or sth. I hope you guys weren't bored to death haha.
Have a great week ahead!
Radiate your positive vibes, good energy is contagious ;)
I'll post my travel diary soon chicas!