Kekesalan Yang Menumpuk
konbawa, bloggers..
I'm back!
maap y kmrin absen nulis..soalx sbuk bgt bkin presentasi bwt advanced english..huahaha..
*sok rajin*
ok lah, continue to our topik..
kekesalan yang menumpuk..inx ykin bgt qlo blogger udh prnh ngalamin title post inx x ini..
*bwt yg blm, usahain cptan yah..gyahahaha~~*
gtu dh..jdi hri ini tuh inx lgi ksel bgt sma 4 org..
2 adlh s'org gru..2 adlah s'org manusia! *lho?*
gru yg prtma px julukan princess..blogger smw psti udh pda gru biologi mnybalkan yang kerjax bkn psg org..g banget d..
yap, stlah kmrin inx stay d skul..dn tman inx yg sgat baik hati, Lisa, mmbuat 3/4 dri proyek bookmark-dari-recycled-paper kami..maka, bookmark pun selesai!
Akan princess ini mlah marah2..ktax g boleh dlapis origami..bego ga sih?
udh tw qlo g dlapis th jadix jlek layak jd bookmark,
lgian itu kn sbuah kreativitas..dsar ga px jiwa seni!
so, this teacher's really make my head burst up..not only me, but also my friend, Lisa..imagine us working day and night *lebay* to finish that stupid project..then all she can say is "Oohh..this is wrong! u should make a new one!"..
bacot lo! lo kra gmpang gtu bknx?? g mghrgai bgt c..gni2 kn kta2 ad usha bwt nylesein th proyek! *angry mode*
hhhh~~wktu itu, inx pgen bgt nglempar kpalax pke botol aqua..atw mgkin batu aj sxan..biar rasa lo!
she's the second worst (after H.W.) teacher in MIS!
tpi, scra inx sgat pndai dlam mmbujuk, dan berspekulasi, tentux..mka akhirx dy mgijinkan inx dkk utk mmakai bookmark trsbut utk proyek..gyahahahaha~~ *tawa setan berkumandang*
done with princess, we moved on to the next teacher..let's address her as, JAH!
wkakaka..soalx typ x inx ngliat mukax, inx psti brkta: "Jahh!!!"
biar d..pkox inx ksel ma ni gru..tega! g px prasaan! msa tgs yg udh inx bkin dgn spnuh jwa dn raga, smpe g tidur cpt mlamx..cmn dksih nlai standar?
sialan..lo pkir enak gtu bwt chart, bwt graph?? truhan, lo psti ksel abs qlo jd gw!!! *maap blogger, krna emosi yg mluap2, inx jd make logat jkt..:P*
done with it..i don't wanna talk about it..just want her and her unfairness to go away!
ok, I'm just ending this up real quick..
I'm mad to my family..two members of my family..
they're just getting into my nerves..screwing my life like it's just an empty piece of paper..
hhhh~hate them so..if i'm in my mother's side of the family, i'm always the last one to be cared..
maybe not even to be cared..just to be left behind..i'm pretty sure they thought of me as nothing right now..i hate them, and i think they hate me too..whatevs, go on..
do what u want..but I won't give a damn about it!!
that's it blogger..i'm done..
I'm gonna catch up tomorrow with more interesting story about my adv english class today..
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