Oh, Happy Week!

slh y? ini kan udh pagi..hehehehe..met pagi smuaaa..
prtma2 maafknlh inx yg udh lma g buat postingan..i'm so so sorry..
tpi ad alsanx boo..inx bru slsai ujian mid!
yep, ujian mid..slh stu cobaan terbesar bagi s'org murid sprti inx..

so i'm starting off with my exam weeks for this post..
exams went on with a not-so-good result..crazy it is..people are saying that my grades slide down..
oh really? but i did study, so how else would i manage to increase my grades?
huwaaa..i'm geting crazy..frustration in the house, PEOPLE!

simple result, the one which i have had and hope to have:
Math-100 (hahah, this IS true)
Biology-99 (i DAMN HATE German people!!!)
Chemistry-92 (yaaah..i've crammed for this..why, why, oh why only 92??)
Physics-100 (wkakakaka..nope, it's not..well, i don't know yet..but i never lost hope..:P)
RME-100? (maybe not..but i'm quite positive about it)
Civics and Indonesian-around 85-95 (i'm not sure, but i haven't had too much hope for it)
English-myb around 80s (dunno, but i know that it won't give much satisfaction)
Lang Lab-?? (i didn't speak up to 1min, so...i guess it's not as good as last year's..wkkk)
Guitar-97 (hehe, i'm the highest..with annie n michael of course..:P)
Basketball-**** (don't ask..i can't even imagine..i damn hate it!)
Homics-85 myb? (bringing home pockets..i guess i'll be sewing in my free time this week..hehe)
Adv English-90s (i hope..)

as simple as that..
then..next week is holiday!! the WHOLE week!!
woohooo~~yay for me!!
hehehe..now, inx gi bgadang..hehehe..
i'm taking it as a celebration..not a bad idea..
pligan bsk bgun tlat..hehe..
lgian acra ptg bsk mlai jm 2 siang..yaituuu: MTV VMA!!!
wkkk..yes, i'm a musicaddict..don't blame me..
hands off!!

oh y bloggers..
i'm trying to make songs right now..
my first one's entitled "My Heart's For You"
hehehe..i'll be trying to put the guitar recordings..n the lyrics..hope u guys would like it!

emm..lastly..thx for all who read my blog wlaupun rda2 kga jelas..huehehehehe..
bubye folks!!!



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