Just Live It

Recently I've been joining MFR, it's short for Medical First Response, a program designed for us med students, to learn about first aids, CPR, basically how to save people's life in emergency. It's a 4 days programme, running on 4, 5, 6, and 12th of April. Meaning, I just finished 3 days of MFR.

How are those 3 days? Amazing! (except for the bruises I got on my right leg, and I tell ya those are BIG bruises). Suddenly, I'm feeling twice as smart after the workshops and seminars lol. In our curriculum, my batch won't be learning the medical emergencies until next semester. So this is an early session, which is nice, since I used to not know what to do when someone suddenly got heart attack in front of me. (used to, remember haha)

We are divided into small groups to learn the skills needed, like CPR. It's not as easy as it seems, trust me. My first time of trying 5 cycles, and I felt like I was the one having a heart attack. We also learn some technical SAR (Search and Rescue) stuffs like the triage system, evacuation procedure, and setting up medications on field. I don't think it'll come to much use in the future, since for now, I haven't had any plans to go out and save people down at the battlefield haha. But it's all good, and all nice to know. And God only knows, maybe I might go to a battlefield someday (hmm?)

In the small groups, we also have real-life case simulation and set-up scenarios. The scenarios include a disaster case, and one in which we'll have to save one person by carrying him/her through the obstacles, with the help of a dragbar. I'm not sure if it's the correct english translation, in indo we call it "tandu." You know, the one you used to carry sick people around.

Anyway carrying one person through the incredibly fuzzy obstacles was an exhausting job. We're all covered in sweat, and blood, and tears (nah, kidding haha). Bottomline hard, but anyway we made it through. Once we get to rest, we talked about how difficult the obstacles were. We're all amazed of how we are able to finish the track. And in the middle of all that talk, one of my friend said this,

"You know what, don't think, you just have to live through it." 

That one quote is pretty strong stabbing. It's true in every way possible. For instance, in this case, carrying that one person through all those obstacles might seem hard at first. But again, if we don't try, we'll never know that we can actually get through it. Now practical issues: sometimes in life, we think too much. We're putting our decisions based on the benefits and losses, and which side stands out. I did that, a lot, and this line hits me straight. I used to be so full of estimations, and before taking any decision, I would have to see a thousand steps ahead to be sure it was right. I'm not saying that it's wrong to think before you do something. It's just, sometimes it limits you into doing everything in your comfort zone. How? Well first of all, too much thinking usually leads to limitations.

"I can't do this." 
"I never did that, there's no way for me to get through it."
"It's just not my thing to do..."

Those sentences, they make you weak. They imprison you, like a bird in a cage, never having to fly. The sky is so beautiful, the world is, and it's such a shame to miss on something just because you don't try. You're stronger than you think. Don't let anything limit you, don't get stucked in your comfort zone. Like Pink said, "You gotta get up, and try, try try." She emphasizes the word try, you know, three times. I took that as an encouragement. I have lived my life this way, and I don't want to anymore. It's time to take chances, to push yourself to the limit, to see how far you can fly.

The girl who said this, she seems to be a bit shy, and she doesn't talk very much. But I thank her for opening my eyes to this. Now I want to be better, I want to see myself go far. I want to run further and further, and maybe, at the end of it, I'll look back and smile to the past. To the times I won't regret, to the chances worth taking, to the moments of truth.

So don't think too much, just live it. You are capable of so many things, you just have to push yourself hard to be able to see it. Sometimes it's not as hard as it seems, but you need that bit of courage to take the first step. It might be fun, like a rollercoaster ride, you never know ;)

Have faith fellas, just live it.



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